Our Impact

Without A Strong Academic Foundation, Sports Are Irrelevant.

Our overall goal at F.O.E.S.U.P. Inc is to provide student athletes and non-athletes, both male and female an opportunity to be exposed to:


  • Higher Education
  • Mentorship
  • SAT/ACT Prep
  • Academic Support
  • Mental Programming
  • Elite Level Sports Training


We believe sports is a great vehicle that can be beneficial to set an athlete pre-and post sports time for success. We will have experienced trainers teaching the best methods of getting your athlete to perform at a high level in any sport they play.

F.O.E.S.U.P. Inc believes that without a strong academic foundation, sports is irrelevant. Education is the key to furthering athletic and personal goals. Being a great student opens up so many opportunities for our youth, without good grades, you place limitations on your athletic and academic future. We find value in exposing our athletes on college tours to schools all over the country, hoping to ignite the fire within them, we consider this our duty, we are part of the village. 

In a response to public schools no longer offering trade education, we will offer students an introduction into Healthcare and Wellness, Carpentry, Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurship and more.

Our goal is to tap into every young person’s creative side and open up the dynamic world within themselves, while giving them confident guidance to take along  their journey from youth into adulthood.



President Daniel Terry

